Great Collaboration Tool
We are having a lot of team success collaborating with Mural. We can virtual card sort, ideate, evaluate, and do all our planning online from anywhere in the country TOGETHER! Mural, great tool!
read moreVons 3 To 5 Stars
At Albertsons Companies, I helped raise the Vons mobile app rating from 3 stars to 5 stars by reaching out to those who had sent us negative feedback, building prototypes to address their issues, having them try them out and get comments, revise and test again, then releasing the features they were asking for. This occurred over a span of about 4 months. I have to give credit and big thanks to the product owners at Albertsons Companies because they really champion the user and gave me a lot of latitude, time and development resources to...
read moreSoono’s Baby Slideshow
Soono’s Baby Slideshow My horse’s name is Soono, Gypsy for “Dream.” She’s a Gypsy Vanner from Wales and this is a slideshow of Soono’s baby pictures I put together for my wife. Share
read moreNCCA Corvette Sierra Run
NCCA Corvette Sierra Run Slideshow I was on the board of the Northern California Corvettes Association from 2014-2017 and I took pictures and created video slide shows for our get-togethers. Here’s one I created for the Sierra Run featuring “My Church” recorded by Home Free. Share
read moreProgrammers Confessing Their Coding Sins
Programmers Confessing Their Coding Sins I’m not a developer but I’ve hired many of them while I was Director of Web Development at Live365 and I’ve participated in many whiteboarding technical interviews recently at Albertsons Companies so I found this very interesting. Read the full...
read moreSales & HR Design
UX Designer and Creative Director for our new, hybrid app/responsive design portal to be used by over 250,000 employees across 34 states. Work in progress. Various Screen Examples...
read moreOur New CD Is Available
The “new” Faron Young CD that I wrote, arranged and sang background vocals on is now available from Best Buy, Amazon, and Target. Working with Country Rewind Records, we took old mono demos that had been tossed out, cleaned them up, added new stereo instruments and background vocals and viola — new album! I see some folks in the reviews don’t like the new twists to the old songs and I understand that – some just like them the way they were. That said, I had a blast doing these tracks with my best friend and...
read moreNo Need to Fear Showing Your Work for the First Time
We all have butterflies before showing our design work to our team or stakeholders for the first time. That said, I have learned the hard way that the earlier I get them involved the better. It becomes a team effort, everyone gets invested, and I avoid many potholes and embarrassing moments like the dreaded “But what about…?” I try not to spend too much time tucked away polishing my ideas but instead toss them out early when I’m not so attached to them. Discuss them while they’re “in the rough.”...
read moreLogo and T-Shirt Design
Created a logo for our mobile team that we used for t-shirts and an educational booth within Safeway/Albertsons. Examples: Black t-shirts (pdf) White t-shirts...
read moreRapid Prototyping
Having a lot of success with the Marvel rapid prototype tool for usability testing. I create screenshots, link them together and test my assumptions on very quickly. These prototypes can be viewed on iOS or Android phones and tablets and they allow a launch icon to be created to make it feel like the user is testing a real app. Love...
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